The owners of aircraft used by clients carry underlying hull and third party liability insurance coverage. Clients using aircraft for Self-Fly Safaris are required to carry insurance covering the deductible portion of the owner’s policy -- known as “Excess” insurance. Coverage for each pilot is mandatory. Coverage appropriate to the aircraft owner's policy is provided in the African Aero Adventures safari package.
EXCESS INSURANCE: Owners and operators of aircraft require pilots to purchase a sub-insurance policy to cover the deductible portion of the owner’s Hull Insurance policy. This is known as “Excess” Insurance. In the event of a claim the Excess policy pays the deductible portion of the owner’s policy. The amount of coverage varies according to the type of aircraft used and the terms of the owner’s underlying Hull Insurance policy. The premium and coverage for this amount is included in the Self-Fly Safari® package.
MEDICAL INSURANCE FOR THE PILOT-IN-COMMAND NOT INCLUDED: All travel insurance policies we have seen exclude medical coverage to any person acting as crew (PIC) of an aircraft when the injury arises from an aircraft accident. Self-Fly Safari flights are not charter flights. Under these circumstances you personally, or your normal health insurance policy, are responsible for paying for any required medical treatment. Note however, that if the PIC has a travel policy, it will often cover medical costs (up to the limit of the policy) arising from other causes such as an automobile accident, or illness. If passengers in the Self-Fly Safari aircraft have bought a travel insurance policy and are not acting as crew, they are often covered for injuries arising out of an aircraft accident. However, read the fine print of the travel insurance policy you purchase to see if it covers or excludes claims arising out of injuries involving a single-engine aircraft. Also, if you have any questions, ask your own medical insurance agent about coverage in Africa for injuries arising out of an aircraft accident in which you are a crewmember.
HAZARD: All safari activity is potentially hazardous. All flight in an aircraft is potentially hazardous. Much of Africa is wilderness with unpredictable flying and landing conditions. Indeed, an integral element of a Self-Fly Safari is the experience of flying an aircraft in this environment. Nothing is guaranteed. It is essential that all lawful instructions and advice of African Aero Adventures Inc, its representatives, safari operators, and flight instructors be followed.
REFUNDS: Refunds will not be made for occasional missed meals or services, nor for any hotel, lodge or camp accommodations not utilized by the client. No refund will be made for any absence by the client from the Self-Fly Safari tour, or portion thereof. Further, no refund will be made to the client if he or she fails to obtain a validated South African pilot license. Further, no refunds will be issued if the Self-Fly Safari is delayed, altered, canceled, or cannot be flown due to unsuitable flying weather, or due to mechanical failure of the aircraft, its engine(s), its avionics, or other components, or due to any and all other factors beyond our control.
CHANGE OF SCHEDULE: African Aero Adventures operates in a land of unpredictable conditions. It may, therefore, occasionally be necessary to change the itinerary of a Self-Fly Safari with little or no notice. African Aero Adventures reserves the right to make these changes without prior client notification or consultation. We will do everything within our control to maintain the scheduled itinerary and keep our clients fully informed.
BROKERED AIRCRAFT: African Aero Adventures may not own aircraft used by clients on Self-Fly Safaris. African Aero Adventures brokers privately or commercially-owned aircraft for clients who are qualified pilots. An agreement governing the terms and conditions of client use of the aircraft is signed between the client and the aircraft owner or operator.
RELEASE FROM LIABILITy: Each safari participant will be required to sign a “Liability Release” form before departure on a Self-Fly Safari. The intent of this document is two-fold: 1) that the safari participant broadly affirms and acknowledges his or her own responsibility for his or her own actions in participating in a Self-Fly Safari, and any subsequent consequences; 2) the safari participant agrees that African Aero Adventures will not be held liable for injury, death, damages or other loss suffered by the safari participant arising from his or her participation in a Self-Fly Safari.